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Website Optimisation

Why optimisation matters

Optimise your site to make it work for you

Is your website holding you back? In today’s fast-paced digital world, every second counts. A slow-loading site isn’t just frustrating – it’s costing you visitors, leads, and revenue. Don’t let a sluggish website sabotage your online success. My free website audit and optimisation report will:

  • Reveal critical speed issues slowing your site down;
  • Provide actionable steps to boost performance;
  • Help you outpace competitors and climb search rankings.

Boost your visibility, engage more visitors, and maximise conversions with a lightning-fast site. Let me show you how.

Unlock your website’s hidden potential with my free speed optimisation audit report.

8 steps to how I optimise your site:


Analyse and Audit:

  • Conduct a comprehensive website audit to identify areas for improvements.
  • Use analytics tools to understand current performance and user behaviour


Define Goals and KPIs:

  • Set clear objectives for your optimisation efforts.
  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success


Prioritise Optimisation Areas:

  • Based on the audit and goals, determine which areas to focus on first.
  • This may include SEO, performance, user experience, or conversion rate optimisation.


Develop an Optimisation Strategy:

  • Create a plan that outlines specific actions for each priority area.
  • Consider the three pillars: Experience, Growth, and Protection


Implement Optimisations:

Make necessary changes to your website, such as:

  • Improving site speed and performance.
  • Enhancing on-page SEO elements.
  • Optimising for mobile devices.
  • Improving user experience and navigation.
  • Creating and optimising content.


Test and Measure:

  • Conduct A/B testing or multivariate testing to compare different versions.
  • Use analytics tools to measure the impact of changes.


Monitor and Adjust:

  • Continuously monitor website performance and user behaviour.
  • Make data-driven adjustments based on results and feedback.


Iterate and Improve:

  • Treat optimisation as an ongoing process.
  • Regularly revisit your strategy and update it based on new insights and changing trends.

What are the key things to optimise, how long does it take and what are the costs?

1. Hosting

Answer: Ensure you are using a reliable, fast hosting provider with servers located near your target audience.

  • Ease: 3/5
  • Timescale: 1-3 days
  • Costs: Depends but Business Hosting is £4.29/month if you need to change your package. I charge £30/hr and it should take 1-2 hours to action the move and configure your new package.

2. Image optimisation

Answer: Compress images, use appropriate formats, and implement lazy loading for faster page loads.

  • Ease: 4/5
  • Timescale: 1-2 days
  • Costs: Depends on number of images but batch conversion speeds things up significantly. Again, I charge $30/hr and it should be about 1 hour’s work to download, convert and upload up to a few hundred images.

3. Caching

Answer: Implement browser and server-side caching to reduce load times for returning visitors.

  • Ease: 3/5
  • Timescale: 1-2 days
  • Costs: Depends on if your current hosting provider has built-in caching (Hostinger does) or you need a premium plugin. This requires a annual fee (WP Rocket is $59 per year). Should take an hour of my time to configure, so £30.

4. Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Answer: Use a CDN to serve static content from servers closest to users’ locations..

  • Ease: 3/5
  • Timescale: 1-2 days
  • Costs: Some hosting providers include a CDN for free (such as Hostinger). Premium services cost about $20/month (Cloudflare).  My time would be 1-2 hours at £30/hr.

5. Code optimisation

Answer: Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML; remove unnecessary code and plugins.

  • Ease: 2/5
  • Timescale: 2-5 days
  • Costs: Depends on size of your site and existing optimisations. A premium plugin may be required (most caching plugins include minfying etc). Most sites require 1-2 hours work at £30/hr.

These factors address key areas of website optimisation, balancing impact with ease of implementation. The timescales provided are averages and may vary based on your site’s complexity and your technical expertise.

How much improvement is possible?

Page speed (how quickly your site loads) can have a direct effect on your website’s SEO, user experience and conversion rates. There are various methods of measuring your page speed (along with accessibility, SEO etc). Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the most popular, along with the likes of GTmetrix, Pingdom and WebPageTest.

Ideally, you want your site to load in under 3 seconds on desktop and under 5 seconds on mobile. The slower your site loads the more likely your visitor is to move on to another site.

By optimising your site to achieve a performance score of at least 90%, you are more likely to keep your page speed within the ideal parameters.

A perfect score!