SEO Consultancy

Is your website under-performing?

Boost Your Online Visibility: Expert SEO Services to Elevate Your Website Rankings

SEO consultancy that produces results

SEO optimisation doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive

AI has revolutionised the landscape of SEO, making it significantly more affordable and less complicated for businesses of all sizes.

Traditionally, optimising a website required extensive expertise, time, and financial investment in various tools and services.

However, with the advent of AI-driven technologies, small businesses can now access powerful optimisation tools that automate complex tasks.

These tools analyse vast datasets to identify trends, suggest relevant keywords, and even generate content ideas, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional SEO services.

This democratisation of SEO allows even those with limited budgets to enhance their online visibility without the steep learning curve that once accompanied it.

3 Easy Steps To Improving Your Site's SEO

Step 1

Conduct a SEO audit

My free website audit report will give a good indication of how your site is performing from a SEO perspective.

To better optimise your website for SEO, if you agree to work with me, I will carry out a more comprehensive audit, so we can decide on what to prioritise and create a plan of action.

This will normally only take about an hour or so for the audit and writing the report. I charge £30/hr.

Step 2

Decide on SEO priorities

Once we have a clearer picture of the current SEO performance of your site, we can draw up a plan of action.

This will include what are the priorities to focus on first. These could include:

  • A better hosting package (inc. CDN and caching)
  • Image optimisation
  • On-page optimisation
  • Keywords to target

Step 3

Implement the action plan

Once we have agreed on priorities and created an action plan, we can begin the work of optimising your site for SEO.

How long this takes to complete depends on the size of your site. Also, which keywords you are targeting, how many pages you have or need and how many images need optimising.

Also, SEO is really an ongoing process but you can make significant changes in the short-term that will pay dividends down the road.