Secure Your WordPress Site: Top 8 Security Plugins

Secure Your WordPress Site: Top 8 Security Plugins

Secure Your WordPress Site

As the internet grows, so does its vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks. WordPress, being the most popular content management system (CMS) on the internet, is a prime target for cybercriminals. In fact, on average, there are 44 attacks on WordPress sites every day.

Website owners need to prioritize security to ensure their site remains safe and operational. Fortunately, there are many security plugins available that can help protect WordPress sites. In this article, we will introduce the top 8 security plugins, their features, user ratings, and pricing. By doing so, we aim to help website owners choose the right security plugin for their needs and budget.

When it comes to securing WordPress sites, there are many factors to consider. Apart from selecting the right security plugin, website owners must also ensure GDPR compliance, avoid hacked plugins, and implement strategies for creating secure WordPress contact forms and anti-spam protection.

Therefore, this article will not only provide a comparison of the top security plugins but also discuss additional security considerations to keep in mind. By doing so, we hope to provide website owners with a comprehensive guide to securing their WordPress site and protecting it from cyber threats.

With innovation being the driving force of the internet, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest security measures to ensure the longevity and safety of your website.

Key Takeaways

  1. WordPress’ security is recommended for all sites, as the average website is attacked 44 times per day, and breaches can lead to data theft and malware distribution.
  2. Choosing a security plugin should be based on the level of protection needed and budget, with two-factor authentication and password enforcement being important features to consider.
  3. Redundant plugins can cause problems, and hacked plugins should be avoided.
  4. Sucuri is one of the best WordPress security plugins, offering website scanning, DNS-level firewalls, and a cloud-based server and CDN network. The pro version is worth the investment for peace of mind.
  5. Wordfence is another great security plugin, offering a firewall, malware scanner, Brute Force Protection and other great features. These and more are available even in the free version.

Security Plugin Comparison

The comparison of features, user ratings, and pricing was used to narrow down a list of the 8 best WordPress security plugins. These include Sucuri, iThemes Security Pro, Jetpack, WPScan, Wordfence, BulletProof Security, All In One WP Security Firewall, and Google Authenticator.

Two-factor authentication and password enforcement were identified as essential features to consider, while redundant plugins may potentially cause compatibility issues and affect user experience.

When selecting a WordPress security plugin, it is crucial to weigh the level of protection needed against the budget available. It is also recommended to avoid hacked plugins and choose a plugin that is GDPR-compliant.

Premium versions of some of these plugins, such as Sucuri Security, may be worth the investment for peace of mind, especially for larger sites with user information that may require additional protection such as 2FA.

Sucuri Features and Pricing

Sucuri offers an extensive range of security features, making it one of the most effective WordPress security plugins available in the market. Some of the features that make Sucuri stand out include website scanning, DNS-level firewalls, and a cloud-based server and CDN network.

These features together make Sucuri a top choice for those seeking comprehensive WordPress protection. In addition to these features, Sucuri also offers multiple layers of protection against malware, brute-force attacks, spam, and other common threats to WordPress sites.

Basic Platform:

Perfect for bloggers and small site owners requiring occasional clean-ups with ongoing security scans. Costs $199.99/yr.

  • Covers 1 site
  • Unlimited malware and hack removals by the support team
  • Malware Service Level Agreement is 30 hours
  • Post-clean-up report – basic
  • Frequency of advanced security scansevery 12 hours
  • Website Application Firewall (WAF) – included.
  • Blocklist Monitoring & Removal – included.
  • SSL Support & Monitoringincluded.
  • Stop Hacks (Virtual Patching/ Hardening) – included.
  • Firewall Protection – HTTPS & PCI-compliant – included.
  • Advanced DDoS Mitigation – included.
  • CDN Speed Enhancement – included.
  • High Availability/Load Balancing – included.
Pro Platform:

Ideal for SMBs who want to minimize disruptions with advanced support for quick SSL certificate transfers. Costs $299.99/yr.

  • Covers 1 site
  • Unlimited malware and hack removals by the support team
  • Malware Service Level Agreement is 12 hours
  • Post-clean-up report – basic
  • Frequency of advanced security scansevery 6 hours
  • Website Application Firewall (WAF) – included.
  • Blocklist Monitoring & Removal – included.
  • SSL Support & MonitoringAdvanced.
  • Stop Hacks (Virtual Patching/ Hardening) – included.
  • Firewall Protection – HTTPS & PCI-compliant – included.
  • Advanced DDoS Mitigation – included.
  • CDN Speed Enhancement – included.
  • High Availability/Load Balancing – included.
Business Platform:

Fastest response time for site clean-ups with frequent scans to avoid vulnerabilities. Costs $499.99/yr.

  • Covers 1 site
  • Unlimited malware and hack removals by the support team
  • Malware Service Level Agreement is 6 hours
  • Post-clean-up report – basic
  • Frequency of advanced security scansevery 30 minutes
  • Website Application Firewall (WAF) – included.
  • Blocklist Monitoring & Removal – included.
  • SSL Support & MonitoringAdvanced.
  • Stop Hacks (Virtual Patching/ Hardening) – included.
  • Firewall Protection – HTTPS & PCI-compliant – included.
  • Advanced DDoS Mitigation – included.
  • CDN Speed Enhancement – included.
  • High Availability/Load Balancing – included.


Sucuri offers comprehensive security features and is available not just for WordPress sites but also Joomla, Magneto, Drupal and phpBB. They claim 99% Support Ticket Satisfaction and clean over 700 hacked sites every day!

Wordfence Features and Pricing

Wordfence is my personal preferred choice (I am not sponsored for this – just my personal preference). Also, the free version of Wordfence will be perfectly adequate for most small sites (bloggers, landing pages etc). If you run an online store, then I recommend a paid version for that extra peace of mind. 

Wordfence has a global team of WordPress security analysts, threat researchers, software engineers, and support staff. They focus exclusively on securing WordPress websites, and on WordPress security research. They provide 24-hour service, 365 days a year for mission-critical websites, with a 1-hour response time via Wordfence Response.

Note: Each installation of Wordfence (except for the free version) requires an individual licence. WordPress Multisite, however, only requires one licence as it is still a single installation of WordPress. See here for more details.

Wordfence Free:

Join over 4 million secure WordPress site owners using Wordfence Free. Block attacks with the basic tools you need to keep your site safe. 30-day delay on firewall rules and malware signatures. Entry-Level Sites that Need Basic WordPress Security. Costs $0

  • The Wordfence Firewall – Rules delayed 30 days.
  • The Wordfence Malware Scanner – Signatures delayed 30 days.
  • Customer Support Level – Volunteer forums.
  • Scheduled Security Scans – Every 3 Days.
  • Plugin/Theme Vulnerability Monitoring – included.
  • File Change Detection – included.
  • Intrusion Alerts – included.
  • Rate Limiting – included.
  • Brute Force Protection – included.
  • Login Security – 2FA & reCAPTCHA – included.
Wordfence Premium:

Self-Administered Websites that Need the Best Protection Against Existing and Emerging Threats. Costs $119/yr.

  • The Wordfence Firewall – Real-time rules.
  • The Wordfence Malware Scanner – Real-time signatures.
  • Real-Time IP Blocklist – included.
  • Country Blocking – included.
  • Customer Support Level – Ticket based.
  • Scheduled Security Scans – Unlimited.
  • Plugin/Theme Vulnerability Monitoring – included.
  • File Change Detection – included.
  • Intrusion Alerts – included.
  • Rate Limiting – included.
  • Brute Force Protection – included.
  • Login Security – 2FA & reCAPTCHA – included.

Wordfence Care:

Busy Business Owners Who Need Hands-on Support From a Dedicated Security Analyst. Costs $490/yr.

  • The Wordfence Firewall – Real-time rules.
  • The Wordfence Malware Scanner – Real-time signatures.
  • Real-Time IP Blocklist – included.
  • Country Blocking – included.
  • Customer Support Level – Priority ticket based.
  • Scheduled Security Scans – Unlimited.
  • Security Audit & Recommendations – once a year.
  • Plugin/Theme Vulnerability Monitoring – included.
  • File Change Detection – included.
  • Intrusion Alerts – included.
  • Rate Limiting – included.
  • Brute Force Protection – included.
  • Login Security – 2FA & reCAPTCHA – included.

Wordfence Response:

Mission-Critical Sites that Require 24/7/365 Incident Response with a 1-Hour Response Time. Costs  $950/yr.

  • The Wordfence Firewall – Real-time rules.
  • The Wordfence Malware Scanner – Real-time signatures.
  • Real-Time IP Blocklist – included.
  • Country Blocking – included.
  • Customer Support Level – 1-hour response time.
  • Scheduled Security Scans – Unlimited.
  • Security Audit & Recommendations – Once yearly + optional second audit.
  • Plugin/Theme Vulnerability Monitoring – included.
  • File Change Detection – included.
  • Intrusion Alerts – included.
  • Rate Limiting – included.
  • Brute Force Protection – included.
  • Login Security – 2FA & reCAPTCHA – included.
  • 24/7/365 Incident Response – included.


Wordfence is for WordPress sites only. Its advantage over Sucuri is that it has a free version, which will be perfect for many sites. Personally, I have run the free version of Wordfence on numerous sites over many years. In every case, I never got hacked once. However, if you have a site that is an e-commerce site or you store confidential information of your customers in a database, I would recommend you use a paid-for version.

Secrets of WordPress for Newbies

Secrets of WordPress for Newbies

WordPress for Newbies

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Introduction to WordPress

wordpress, blogging, blogger-265132.jpgWelcome to WordPress! Check out this introduction to WordPress and the secrets of WordPress for newbies. If you’re new to this powerful web platform, take some time to explore the interface. Get familiar with the menus and options available. Although it may seem overwhelming at first, you’ll get the hang of it quickly. Next, it’s time to personalize your site. WordPress has thousands of themes and plugins to choose from.

Find those that fit your needs. Optimise your content for search engines to increase your site’s visibility in search results. WordPress provides built-in tools and plugins to help with this vital task. Pay attention to your page titles, meta descriptions, and keyword usage. If you require help, don’t hesitate to ask!

WordPress Tutorials

The WordPress community has many users willing to share their expertise. Check out the forums or find a local Meetup group to connect with other WordPress enthusiasts. With these tips, you’re well on your way to creating a successful website with WordPress. Best of luck!

Alternatives to WordPress

When it comes to building your first website with WordPress, it’s important to know that there are many options available in the world of Content Management Systems (CMS). While WordPress may be a popular choice, it may not be the perfect fit for everyone. Fortunately, other top CMS options in the market are worth exploring.

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For instance, Joomla is renowned for its advanced functionality and ability to manage complex websites and e-commerce. However, it has a slightly steeper learning curve compared to WordPress. On the other hand, Drupal is an excellent option for highly customizable websites, especially those that require top-notch security and advanced functionality. Although it is less intuitive than WordPress, it is perfect for large-scale enterprise-level websites.

If you’re looking for simplicity, Squarespace is an ideal option. It’s a user-friendly CMS option that offers stunning templates and designs, making it a great fit for small businesses and portfolio sites. However, it’s worth noting that Squarespace has limited functionality and customization options compared to the other CMS options mentioned.

Before choosing the best CMS option for your website, it’s essential to consider your website’s specific needs and goals. While WordPress may be a suitable choice for many, exploring other options can help you make a more informed decision. Remember, the CMS you decide will significantly impact your website’s functionality, security, and user experience. So, take your time, weigh your options, and select wisely.

Are you new to WordPress and looking for tutorials to help you get started? Want to learn the secrets of WordPress for newbies? Look no further! Here are some of the best places to find tutorials on WordPress for the novice.

1. The official WordPress website offers a wealth of information on getting started with WordPress. You’ll find tutorials on everything you need to know from installation to customisation.

2. WPBeginner: This website is dedicated to helping beginners learn WordPress. They offer step-by-step tutorials, videos, and guides to help you get started.

3. YouTube: There are countless YouTube channels dedicated to WordPress tutorials. Channels like WP Learning Lab and WPBeginner offer easy-to-follow tutorials for beginners.

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4. Udemy: If you prefer a more structured approach to learning, Udemy offers a range of WordPress courses for beginners. These courses are created by experts and provide a comprehensive guide to WordPress.

5. WPLift: This website offers a range of tutorials, guides, and reviews for WordPress beginners. They cover everything from choosing a theme to optimising your website for search engines.

No matter which resource you select, make sure to take your time and work through the tutorials at your own pace. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be a WordPress expert in no time!

WordPress Tutorials

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